Book An Upcoming Retreat

 Throughout history and across cultures, women have endured significant suffering and inequity. Yet, women continue to embody innate qualities such as creativity, resiliency, nurturers, birthers, multipliers, and helpers of mankind, reflecting their unique divine blueprint as daughters of God. Unfortunately, the demands of modern society and the complexities of marriage and motherhood have caused many women to lose touch with their divine identity in Christ.

At BeStill Women, we offer a retreat-style approach to healing, empowerment and spiritual growth in community through biblical meditation, fasting and communal prayer. Our retreats provide a safe and supportive environment for women to connect and strengthen their faith and connection to Christ with boldness.

Our community of women strives to rediscover and embrace their identity in Jesus, allowing women to thrive in their unique purpose. At BeStill Women, we focus on becoming whole by nurturing our connection to Jesus Christ, as stated in Colossians 2:6-7, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Join us at BeStill Women and experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ in our community through worship, communal prayer, fasting and biblical meditation. 

Click below to join an upcoming gathering.

Benefits of Attending A BeStill Women Prayer & Meditation Retreat

• Increased knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through the dedication of reading the bible.

• Healing through communal prayer and fasting.

• Holds us accountable for consistency, discipline, and devotion to Jesus Christ through community.

• Establishes consistency and a love for journaling

• A deep sense of self-awareness and identity in Christ.

• More "Godfidence" and improved self-esteem.

• Healing and deliverance from the demonic, ie. depression, anxiety, and chronic pain in the body according to the will of the Holy Spirit. Deliverance from old patterns and "old ways"

• Builds community and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

• Promotes spiritual growth and personal development and holiness as a lifestyle.

Sign Up Here 

Ready to attend a BeStill Women's retreat? Sign up to join upcoming events.

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