Ariane is a passionate follower/student of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Ariane's path into ministry began with practicing yoga in the New Age Wellness industry. Shortly after earning a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Leadership Studies from Kennesaw State University in Georgia, she trained as a 200-hour secular Vinyasa yoga teacher at Peachtree Yoga in Atlanta. She later advanced to a 500-hour faith-based certification from YogaFaith. After six years of teaching new-age wellness, yoga, and meditation, Ariane suddenly began to experience a series of divine miraculous healings and deliverances through the power of Jesus Christ. This life-changing experience led her into a long consecrated season of deep prayer, fasting, and ultimately receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit- who led her to publicly renounce her previous alignment with yoga and new-age doctrines, fully committing herself to Jesus Christ.

Ariane is a living testimony to the Lord's unwavering faithfulness and boundless mercy. Amid the challenges of a fractured blended family, high-risk pregnancies, illness, and struggles with severe anxiety and clinical depression, she experienced a powerful encounter with God's compassion and healing- igniting the ministry God called her to.

Today, Ariane leads a retreat-style ministry that empowers women to build their most holy faith and identity in Jesus Christ. Through the synergy of communal prayer, fasting, and biblical meditation, women can reconcile to Christ, receive healing and deliverance, and boldly walk in the power and authority of Jesus Christ daily.

While tending to her young family of six, Ariane now focuses on leading seasonal BeStill Women Retreats for Women. Join her at BeStill Women and experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ in community.


 BeStill Women, a Christ-Centered Prayer, Fasting & Meditation Ministry